Equity Accelerator for Youth Development


The Equity Accelerator for Youth Development (EAYD) aims to build community and sector advocacy for BIPOC leaders to expand equity in Metro Detroit’s out-of-school time sector. By strengthening belonging, building political power, and cultivating collaborative leadership efforts, we aim to influence systems that impact the youth providers serve.

Equity Accelerator for Youth Development

Applications for the 2024 Cohort are open. Please click HERE to submit an application. The deadline is August 5, 2024

To register for the EAYD Informational Session on July 16, 2024 from 11:00-11:30 am, click HERE.

Program Benefits

1. Professional development skills related to advocacy
2. One-on-one community connection
3. Stipend for participation
4. Group of peers and network
5. Transferable skill-building

Strategic Goals

The YDRC’s mission is to improve the quality of local youth-serving organizations to maximize their impact and to advocate for accessible, high-quality youth development opportunities.

The Equity Accelerator will support YDRC’s mission by:

  1. Stabilizing the sector (small to mid-sized organizations), and sustaining our quality improvement work to create more access to high-quality youth development opportunities for youth and families.
  2. Elevating the voices of BIPOC leaders in the sector, specifically Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Arab-American, and other leaders of color who reflect the populations of young people served by the sector.
  3. Creating spaces for sustained connection and collaboration among youth development leaders to individually and collectively advocate on issues impacting the youth development landscape.

Ideal Candidate & Requirements

Youth-serving Nonprofit organizations in the Metro Detroit area who identify as:

  1. BIPOC founders, executive directors, and/or BIPOC leaders with financial decision-making responsibilities (grant writing, grant/budget administration, grant fundraising, advocacy, etc.) within an organization.
  2. BIPOC leaders who have an interest in developing a shared advocacy agenda for out-of-school time systems in the Detroit area
Equity Accelerator for Youth Development

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t identify as a BIPOC leader, but my program serves BIPOC youth. Am I able to apply?

The EAYD is designed explicitly for BIPOC leaders and staff. We would be happy to connect you with additional resources that may serve you.

I don’t identify as a BIPOC leader, but my program director does, are they allowed to apply?

The EAYD is designed explicitly for BIPOC leaders and staff. We would be happy to connect you with additional resources that may serve you.

I don’t identify as a BIPOC leader, but I am preparing to transition from my role, am I able to send the BIPOC staff person who would serve as the next leader?

No, unfortunately, this accelerator is designed for those who are already knee-deep in their roles. We would love to connect with that person in some other capacity.

I know I will be absent for one of the cohort meetings is it okay to send another team member in my spot?

No, unfortunately, one of the goals of the accelerator is to build community and a strong sense of belonging amongst cohort members. We have further instructions for the allowance of being absent from cohort meetings for those accepted into the program.

Who is on your selection and design committee?

The selection and design committee consist of YDRC’s staff, coaches, trainers, and a group of peers who serve on the Steering Committee.

For more information about the Equity Accelerator: please email Kiylise at kiylise@detroitydrc.org.

Meet the 2023-2024 EAYD Cohort